Find answers to your frequently asked questions
Are pets allowed at the hotel?
No, pets are not allowed.
What are the check-in and check-out times at Green Palms Hotel?
Check-in time is at 12:00 PM, and check-out time is at 11:00 AM.
Is smoking permitted on the hotel premises?
No, smoking is not permitted.
What are the hotel’s cancellation policies?
All bookings are non-refundable.
Are there parking options available at the hotel?
Yes, we offer paid parking.
Can I cancel my booking at Green Palms Hotel?
Yes, you can cancel your booking, but it is non-refundable.
Do the hotel rooms include a safe for valuables?
Yes, each room is equipped with a safe.
How can I confirm my booking at the hotel?
Bookings can be confirmed by submitting credit card information or by making an advance payment as a guarantee of arrival.
Is breakfast included with the room rate?
Yes, breakfast is included.
What is the process for booking a room at Green Palms Hotel?
Bookings can only be made by completing the reservation form on our website. Please select the dates of your visit to proceed.
Is Wi-Fi available at the hotel?
Yes, Wi-Fi is available for guests.
What are the breakfast hours at Green Palms Hotel?
Breakfast is served from 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
Do you have rooms with wheelchair access?
Yes, we have rooms that are accessible for guests with wheelchairs.
Do children stay free at the hotel?
Yes, children stay free.
Does Green Palms Hotel accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept credit cards.
Is there an elevator in the hotel?
Yes, we have an elevator.
Does the hotel have conference rooms?
Yes, we do offer conference rooms.
Do you offer corporate rates for business travelers?
Yes, corporate rates are available.
How does payment work for bookings at Green Palms Hotel?
Bookings can be confirmed by submitting credit card data or by making an advance payment as a guarantee of arrival.
Book Your Stay
Ready to experience the best in hospitality? Book an affordable hotel in Ghaziabad with Green Palms Hotel today. We look forward to welcoming you and making your stay unforgettable.
- 01204614444
- 9311961767
- 9311961766
For those seeking a luxurious yet affordable stay, the Green Palms Hotel in Delhi NCR is your perfect choice. Our facilities are designed to cater to all your needs, whether you are planning a wedding, a conference, or simply looking for a comfortable room.
Choose Green Palms Hotel for a stay that combines elegance, convenience, and value. Book your room now and discover why we are the best hotel for stay in Ghaziabad.